菅原 通雅 今林 宏典 野々村 憲
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.6, pp.63-80, 2000-12-26

In this paper,we consider and discuss to technical terms,"force" as resource of the enterprise and "intimation" in individuality and organization. An ''individual" viewpoint becomes more and more important,and in relation to individual ''force" is more requested. On the other hand,the ideal way of organization which accepts individuals is also needed. Therefore,we think that we should create ''holon" between organization and individuali ty. For the purpose,we should structure the process by which individual ''force" is converted into organizational knowledge. As a result, we present an organization man,who creates and organizes a knowledge creation was shown in this paper.
後藤 信
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.6, pp.185-205, 2000-12-26

With the fall of Old Japan in 1945,Japanese National Holidays derived from the country's long traditon and history were either replaced or abolished completely. The occupying force,the USA,compelled Japan to change the names of these holidays,which meant that Japan,under the persistent pressure of the USA's absolute policy,had to be subservient to the Uncle Sam's patronizing advice of cultural transformation to make a new start as a demilitarized,peaceoriented country. These demands included not only the rewriting of the National Constitution but also of the history of Japan,especially the pre-historic period in which abundant ethnic myths have represented national identity as that of an agricultural tribe. Although in reality it seems hard for us to expel the still-occupying foreign military forces from the air base of our country,we would at least like to regain the cultural independence that we have enjoyed in our long history. By reexamining the character of national holidays in the past,we can,ironically,perceive a culture analogous to ours in the West before their coming into Christendom. In pagan days,people all over the world worshipped the order of nature. Traditions such as adoring trees and woods and the preservation of what they had in the past have helped to keep human being from destroying their environment. To know our past is to foretell our future. I hope my small study in this report will contribute in some way to the social-environmental studies of Kure University.
ルーカス M.
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.3, pp.159-173, 1997-11-29

This paper presents an account of the portra al of God in the Old Testament book of Job,together with a summary of Jung's application of his psychoanalytic theories to this text contained in his Answer to Job. I give my own tentative evaluation of Jung's efforts to resolve the paradox of the problem of evil. Part One I outline the dramatic roles of God and Satan in the bool of Job,and show that God is regarded as the author of evil as well as good throughout the Old Testament. I emphasize the importance of understanding Job as a literary text,particularly,appreciating its satirical and ironic elements. Both Jung and Job challenge conventional images of God,whereas Jung's critics and Job's comforters play the role of apologist. I end the section with a brief formulation of the paradoxical nature of the problem of evil. Part Two I present Jung's arguments in Answer to Job,in which he contrasts the ambivalent and paradoxical God of the Old Testament with the wholly good God of the New Testament. I examine Jung's suggestion that recognition of the shadow side of God is necessary if the symbol is to reflect psychological balance. I compare Jung's approach to this question with that of his disciple von Franz in her study of moral structures in fairytales. Both Jung and von Franz recognise the complex and paradoxical features of both good and evil. I end by identifying an inconsistency in Jung's claim that the co-existence of love and fear is a further dimension of this paradox,by showing how New Testament passages offer a resolution.
梅津 顕一郎 炭谷 晃男 守弘 仁志
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.1, pp.161-177, 1995-12-22

This paper is an empirical study of young people's communicative behaviour. So far,we have summarized and criticized many studies of youth culture. In Japan,many sociologists and commentators insist on the importance of categonzing young people as "Joho-Shinjinrui (the new breed of the information age)". They have tried to show that young people have only one communication pattern. They emphasize that the media literacy of all young people is very high,and their personal communication style has a strong influence on their high media-literacy. However,there is no demonstration or empirical analysis which confirms the truth of their argument. In this study,we have tried to describe the real style of young people's communicative behaviour by empirical research. Our main concern is the relation between their personal communication style and media use. We investigated their personal communication style and many styles of media use -singing "Karaoke",using the telephone,watching TV,playing computer games,and so on. As a result,we can show that young people have many communication patterns. Also,we can suggest that regarding personal communication style,the influence of their media use is very small : if anything,there are more cases of their personal communication style having an influence on their media use.
真嶋 正己
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.9, pp.85-97, 2003-12-24

The American Affairs was one of the political subjects in which Edmund Burke(1729-97) got deeply involved as a member of the House of Commons. In this paper,I take up his speeches and writing (Observations on a Late State of the Nation) during the Townshend Acts crisis in order to comprehend his assertion and its meaning in an actual political context. We notice from his arguments that Burke's criticism of the Townshend Acts was moderate upon the whole,and that he repeatedly laid great emphasis upon the meaningful fact that the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766. Admitting that his stance was partly influenced by the poltitical situation over American colonies and the political environment in which he was placed,we can conclude as follows: That Burke denounced the Townshend Acts by his redefining the meaning behind the fact that the Stamp Act was repealed,and furthermore he intended to reestablish the relations between Great Britain and American colonies on the basis of 'artficial commerce'.